Our Services

Teachning, training & troubleshooting


The teaching of employees or the training of coating engineers and technicians is of paramount importance to the quality and output of any thermal spray facility, company, or research institution. Finally, even with the best equipment in the world, the real difference comes from the talent of those who work and operate it day after day. Well trained people ae not only more skilled and confident in their work; they feel valued by their employer.


Teaching & Training

Thermal spray Innovations aims to bring some of the hands-on experience gained in the past years to your team: –

Training - Progressive Surface 100HE Plasma System

Set-up, operation, important parameters, handling of the suspension system etc

Training - Northwest Mettech Axial III Plasma System

Set-up, operation, important parameters, handling of the suspension system etc

Training - Suspensions

handling of suspensions in the thermal spray environment

Seminars & Workshops

Seminars or workshops are a good way to discuss theoretical as well as practical aspects with larger teams of people. Possible topics include:-

  • Suspension plasma spray
  • Thermal barrier coatings
  • Materials development
  • Thermal properties evaluation
  • etc…

In general, the content of a workshop, seminar or training session can be tailored to the required audience. If there are some specific issues of interest, please get in touch to discuss



Coating Problems?

Problems with your coating process? New coating not performing as expected?


Having issues with your suspension spray set-up? Feeding issues? Cloging problems?

Material Issues?

New coating material not providing the expected results? Problems to feed or defects generated?

Get In Touch

Erlenweg, Bruck an der grossglocknerstrasse, 5662, salzburg, austria